The #LiveYourLife Cast Showcase provides customers an opportunity to "meet" and learn more about the cast of AEO models.
AEO organized a contest that invited the public to submit themselves for consideration as cast models. To showcase the contestants, AEO sought a dynamic and interactive application to connect customers with potential models.
This application delivers a distinctive experience by randomizing the position and size of content. Organized in rows, each section introduces a new cast member and includes quotes, imagery, video, and social media connections.
Expandable image elements in this application can be linked to product collections, providing a new way to merchandise.
Ensuring the best user experience, precise control over the videos was crucial. Each video will play and pause according to the guide's positioning but will start initially muted. Users will have the option to unmute if desired.
{ "modelName": "Shay", "bitly": "", "fbTwitter": "and follow @shaymitch ", "fbName": "actress Shay", "twitterCopy" : "Actress Shay (@shaymitch)", "startPosition": "left", "row": [ { "blockWidth": 25 }, { "blockWidth": 75, "mediaType": "scalable", "bundleId": "bundleCatId=cat5930102&productId=0393_9260_600" }, { "blockWidth": 100 }, { "blockWidth": 25, "mediaType": "scalable", "bundleId": "bundleCatId=cat5900248", "social": true }, { "blockWidth": 75, "mediaType": "vid", "youTubeID": "8KcZDolqBLw" }, { "blockWidth": 50, "mediaType": "bio", "link1": "/web/guides/w_jeanguide.jsp?catId=cat5900036&icid=AE:LiveYourLife:ShayBio:FindYourFit", "link1Text": "Find Your Fit", "link2": "/web/sweepstakes/index.jsp?icid=AE:LiveYourLife:ShayBio:EnterContest", "link2Text": "Enter Contest" } ] }
/* Defines a block model with default values set. */ var BlockModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ "defaults": { "blockWidth": 50, "mediaType": "img", "social": false, "youTubeID": "", "htmlContent": "", "link1": "", "link1Text": "", "link2": "", "link2Text": "", "bundleId": "" } });
/* Initializing a mediaElementPlayer object for any videos within this block */ = thisVideo.mediaelementplayer({ "videoWidth": "100%", "videoHeight": "100%", "loop": true, "enableAutosize": false, "pluginPath": "images/", "flashName": 'flashmediaelement.swf', "enableKeyboard": false }); if (thisVideo[0]) { /* Forcing video to mute, because not all browsers support mute in video tags */ getVideo(thisVideo[0]).setMuted(true); }
$(row.el).bind("touchstart", function( evt ) { //body.css({"overflow": "hidden"}); if (event.changedTouches.length == 1) { isSwiping = true; startPosX = lastPosX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; liveYourLifeDiv.bind("touchmove", function( evt ) { if (isSwiping) { lastPosX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; } else { clearSwipe(); } }); liveYourLifeDiv.bind("touchend", function( evt ) { if (isSwiping) { if ((startPosX - lastPosX) > SWIPE_SENSITIVITY) { //doWork(); row.slideRow(row.nextLeft); } else if ((lastPosX - startPosX) > SWIPE_SENSITIVITY) { //doWork(); row.slideRow(row.prevLeft); } } clearSwipe(); }); liveYourLifeDiv.bind("touchcancel", clearSwipe); } });